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ELQ – Entangled Logical Qubits

Infrastructure and Innovation

ELQ – Entangled Logical Qubits

Entangled Logical Qubits

In contrast to conventional computers that run conventional (classical) algorithms, quantum computers process quantum algorithms. Provably, certain classes of problems, which are very hard or practically impossible to process by conventional computers, can be solved efficiently using quantum algorithms, exploiting the real power of a quantum computer. Since 2009, IARPA has invested in quantum technologies, particularly through the research and development of quantum-computing platforms. IARPA’s leading role in quantum computing is built on its programs, namely CSQ (2009-14), MQCO (2010-15), QCS (2012-14), QEO (2017-21), LogiQ (2016-present) and now ELQ.

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